Melaka VS Kelantan


Jimin and Mja always have these mini skirmishes where they mock the other guy's home state. Boy...are they ever creative when it comes to this. Jimin is Malaccan and Mja is Kelantanese and the jokes they tend to make about each other are very hilarious. You have to actually be there to appreciate the humour of it. I thought that this entry will make a fine tribute to the never-ending series of the 'Melaka VS Kelantan' debate.

Round 1 (Location: Rumah Sunway)
Jimin: Ngko pernah dengar peribahasa Melayu, "Lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama"...Apa
version kontemporari?
Amir, Mja, Cheng: ............
Jimin: '"Selangor punya duit, Kelantan dapat pembangunan"'
Mja: 'WTF!!!'

Round 2 (Location: Rumah Sunway)
Mja: 'Ingat tak time kita belajar sejarah PMR dulu, ada Hang Tuah/Parameswara cakap time Kesultanan Melaka dulu..."Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia"...'
Cheng: 'Kalau versi sekarang?'
Mja: '"Takkan Babi Hilang Di Melaka"'.

Reference: Kes Babi di Melaka (Utusan Malaysia)

Round 3 (Location: Rumah Sunway, tengah berucap ala2 YB)
Jimin: 'Kelantan bagaikan sauh yang menjunamkan Malaysia ke dalam lembah kemiskinan...'
Mja: 'Humph!'

Round 3 (Location: Kemensah camping, Tgh main teka-teki)
Jimin: 'Haaa...aku ada teka-teki. Orang mana yang tak suka pembangunan?'
Mja: 'Ark...kena lagi.'
Jimin: 'Haha...Kelantan...dah tiga penggal dah, Mja oii.'

Round 4 (Carls Jr., Sunway Pyramid, Mja wearing University of Korea t-shirt)
Jimin (looking at Mja's t-shirt): 'Eh...University of...oooo,Korea. Tu aku pelik tadi... tak nampak hujung tuh...ingatkan 'University of Kelantan'. Kelantan mana ada universiti.'

Round 5 (Carls Jr., Sunway Pyramid, Jimin unable to finish his triple mushroom and swiss burger)
Mja: 'Laaaa...ku sangkakan perut orang putih. Perut orang Melaka rupanya...'

P/S: For any Malaccan/Kelantanese people who got upset after reading this, chill...lighten up. We do this just to entertain ourselves. We have absolutely no issues against Malaccan or Kelantanese people and contrary to popular belief, we are not immature and brash individuals. We respect all Malaysian states. BTW, Melaka VS Kelantan is a non-issue. We all know Selangor tops all!!!


Nada Syazana said...

Hidup Selangor!!! Whoottt!!! Hahaha.

It is almost a known fact that Southern people i.e. Melaka, Johor don't really get along with East Coast people. Orang zon tengah pulak i.e. Selangor, Perak indifferent gila but semangat negeri tu ada hidden somewhere.

aliashraf said...

halo abg, blh berknalan?hahahahaha

aliashraf said...

stu lg, kelantan ade unversity laaa.
ape ni faktar salah...

Amir ALS said...

eh..aliashraf,salam perkenalan. Siapa yg x kenal mu?Presiden Sahabat plg high-profile dlm sejarah.
Hoho, kawe mmg tau klate ada universiti...